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Podcast | Emma Carroll | Author

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Hi Emma, we love that you have agreed to do this podcast with us as we think it’s amazing to be talking to a real-life author. And not just any author, one that has written a book that we read in Year 6.  Are you happy to start now?

Q1: Do you have any inspirations and if so what or who are they?

Q2: I know you have written many books and you’ve just released another one. Are there any sneak peeks that you can give us?

Q3: What inspired your book Strange Star? I have read it and it is wonderful.

Q4: What tips would you give to a young writer who has been inspired by your work and wants to be a writer themselves?

Q5: You mention Plymouth in a couple of your books. Do you have any special connections to our city?

Q6: How do you come up with the names for the characters in your books? Do you use the names of people you know?

Q7: What was the hardest book you’ve written and why was that? Do you have a favourite book that you have authored?

Q8: We know that you are from Somerset. Are any of the places in your book inspired by where you live?

Q9: Why is WW2 a common theme in your books?

Q10: Who was your favourite author of a child? What was it about them that inspired you?



Unfortunately, that is now the end of the podcast. We hope that you enjoyed it. We are so grateful to have had the chance to meet you and for you giving up your time.

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Emma Carroll is a well-known children’s author who has penned books such as Letters from the Lighthouse and Frost Hollow Hal. Based in Somerset, Emma was previously a Secondary School English teacher in Devon before starting to write full-time. She has won a number of awards for her writing.

Emma Carroll
The Somerset Tsunami
Faber, 3rd, £6.99, pb, 9780571332816
Fortune Sharpe is discovering that the early
17th century is not a good time for a girl to be
drawing attention to herself. Disguised as a
boy, she is sent to work at a rich manor house
and finds that the inhabitants of Barrow Hill
harbour dangerous secrets of their own.
A thrilling fight for survival ensues, against
torrential flooding, local
superstition and witch
hunts. Based on the real-life
Bristol Channel tsunami
of 1607, Carroll has the
enviable knack of making
Tome Carroll
history both accessible
and relevant to modern