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Ronni Gurwicz

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Hi Ronni, thank you for offering to chat with us about your life and what you have found out about the world via your chats with people over coffee. We are too young to have a coffee with you, but love a good chat. Let's have one now. Let's begin.



Ronni, you seem to have a cheeky and chirpy side to you. We wonder if this helps you build the atmosphere that's necessary to get an interesting chat out of the people you meet. Could you tell us more about this more flamboyant side of your personality?



1,000 coffees. Please do tell us more about this project and what you aim for this to achieve.



As a storyteller you must have ideas all the time. How do you make sense of these ideas and organise your thoughts? How do you stay grounded and not overwhelmed by the world around you?



School is a great place to learn. We love it here at Mayflower and hope that Secondary School is just as inspiring. What top tips would you give us as we strive to become confident authors of both fictional stories but also our own lives?



Who are your ultimate mentors and how are they challenging you to think differently about our world and your place in it?



Art is everywhere. We see ourselves as artists at Mayflower. One of our taglines is 'Made In Mayflower'. You make work, How do you create work that is made in Ronni and what impact is this work having?



We think that you are mostly based in Gateshead? What is it like living there and is there anywhere else in the world that you would like to travel?



What top tips could you offer us when wanting to chat purposefully with people? How do we make chat an art? Who is the best chat partner you have ever chatted with - and why?



We are podcasters, just like you. How do you think we are doing? How do you prepare for your podcast sessions?



Ronni, things for me have begun to click. I get what you are about. I have realised that the world is becoming more tech-based, and people are not chatting as much with real people. So, one thing that I would really like to know is, that actually it is like your grandmother said, we should be interested in people no matter who they are. If we don't converse, people might become anti-social. So, do you think that in the future people will become glued to screen and become anti-social and feel incredibly awkward unless they do like you do - and - communicate with a coffee?



Hi Ronni - I'm back! Sadly, we have to end this podcast today. Have a lovely evening. We loved having a metaphorical coffee with you and will remember it forever. I think the podcast with you was amazing. We can't wait to make another. Good luck with your next podcast. And remember, Togteher we can...

Every project we work on needs formatting. Whether our own self development, the business of our dreams, or our activist project that will change the world. What do I mean by formatting? The idea is undoubtedly magic, and there are amazing ways of marketing the final product, but what happens in between can often be more difficult. Working with me involves us ‘creating, defining, and communicating’ the narrative of that work. Breaking it down to its simplest components, distilling its essence and allowing it to shine for the audience. All of this through Storytelling methods, experimented with over years of trial and error.

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When a dear friend of mine suggested that I have 1000 coffees with a thousand different people, I got really excited, but with one caveat – that there be no preconditions or ulterior motives behind the conversations. No blog post, Instagram story or book written about what was said, just a moment in time that will never return. After over 500 inspiring and insightful conversations, I feel like I am learning about humanity in the way that my Grandmother taught me, to be interested in people – no matter who they are, where they come from and what they do.

Will you have a warm drink and a conversation with me? Book a slot via the button below. If you can’t find a time that suits, just send me a message!