Writing Council | Pupils
Our writing council has been invented to give pupils a say in how this important part of our curriculum is developed. Our council is made up of pupils from across the school. They have shown an interest in writing for communication and care passionately about how this subject helps us all to share our ideas and make snese of our world.
We have organised our meetings to focus on key school priorities. These are:
*add improvement plan here...
During our council meetings we focus on answering the following questions:
1. How can we be certain that every pupil understands and uses our 'Writing Basics?'
2. How can we extend our writing opportunities and go even deeper into subject matter?
3. How will our writing make experts stand up and think differently?
4. Are we giving enough opportunities for pupils to show evidence of greater depth writing?
Our Writing Council has many roles. These roles help us gain confidence as being part of a team, but also focus on specific parts of school development. Here are some of our roles and how we collectively make a difference in writing at Mayflower.
Coachee 2 Coach Writers
The Writing Basics | Detectives
Marking and Feedback
Greater Depth Opportunities
Marketing and Media | Writing for purpose
Extended Opportunities