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Sue Lewry







Podcast Ep. 23 - Sue Lewry 



We talk to local printmaker Sue Lewry all about her career, her inspiration and her values as an artist. 

Sue is a Plymouth-based printmaker whose practice centres on collaborative making and photo collage. Before she pulled her first screen print back in 2013, she was a graphic designer & art director working in the fashion industry in London. Following her new-found passion for print, she completed a Masters in Printmaking and was awarded the Principles Commendation Award from Arts University Plymouth for her high degree of engagement in her research. Sue now runs her print studio, making high-quality, affordable print pieces alongside continued experimentation with paper and textile processes, including woodwork and doll-making.

Sue is regularly commissioned to deliver community projects and events using Colossal - an innovative mobile print workshop which Sue designed and constructed. Her colourful, playful, conversational project intends to bring print to the people, highlighting accessible, hands-on forms of engagement and igniting creativity in others through the agile art form of printmaking.

Sue has worked with arts organisations like The Box, KARST Contemporary Gallery, Take-A-Part, Plymouth Design Forum, Arts University Plymouth and Plymouth Culture. She is a Challenge and Support Partner to Mayflower Community Academy, bringing a perspective about how the arts can be applied realistically as a mechanism for change and community connection.