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There are a number of workshops which are run by the Local Authority. They can aid with understanding the needs of your child and how best to support them. You can click on the name of the course for a link to the website. 

The Incredible Years (Children aged 3-6)

The Incredible Years School Age (Children aged 7-12)

The Incredible Years Autistic Spectrum and Language Delay

The Incredible Years® evidence based parenting programmes focus on strengthening parenting competencies and fostering parent involvement in children’s school experiences, to promote children’s academic, social and emotional skills and reduce conduct problems.

The Circle of Security

The Circle of Security Parenting is a way of thinking about our children that looks beyond the immediate behaviour and enables us to think about how we can meet their relationship needs. It helps to understand your child’s emotional world and support them in managing their emotions. It provides simple relationship building strategies through group discussions, videos and visuals.

Workshops - Plymouth Information Advice and Support for SEND. (

How to understand my child’s communication- If you have a child whose communication is delayed, they aren’t communicating what they need/want, or they have special educational needs, and you need some strategies to help increase communication, then this workshop is a great start for you. You will attend a group workshop that will cover: Why communication is so important. What communication looks like. The ways we communicate, Vocal, PECS, Sign, ACC. The ‘How to’ use communication methods.

How to understand and support our Children’s social skills and play- If you have a child whose social skills are delayed, has special educational needs or doesn’t attempt to access play or social environments with confidence, then this workshop would be a great start. The workshop will cover: What is play? – the ages and stages as well as the types of play.  Strategies to support children through play. How to support children with their social development – imitation, play dates and use of social stories.