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Home Learning

At Mayflower Community Academy, we have designed a home learning ‘diet’ that will enable your child to practise key skills in Reading, Writing and Maths; improving their ability, building their confidence and preparing them for the work they are studying in class. We have also created opportunities for your child to access their learning across other curriculum subjects such as; PSHE and History & Geography.

Our Home Learning Package includes opportunities for daily and weekly learning as well as recurring tasks throughout the whole term to help consolidate key skills and knowledge.


Our 4 APPS daily diet consists of the following:​ 




The applications can all be accessed online, with children having their own individual logins and passwords, so that we can ensure that our pupils are working at the appropriate level. They (and you) can also then track the progress being made – celebrating in their achievements daily.​


Each week pupils will receive a list of spellings to learn in preparation for in-school weekly tests. These are low-stake tests, so it is important to try and find fun, regular ways to practise these – it will help that learning stick! Spelling Shed is the perfect place for this.

On a weekly basis, we encourage pupils to view their assignments on TEAMS. The assignments will be set termly so that they are there on our pupils' Class Homepage ready for them to access weekly at home.

Each assignment allows pupils to recall their knowledge in different subject areas each week.

We also encourage pupils to take part in our 'Hear Me Become A Reader' initiative. This is an opportunity for pupils to share their reading progress with their teacher in a safe and secure way.

The assignments that have been set for our pupils focus around PSHE, History & Geography, Maths and Grammar. Each assignment is filled with valuable resources that are used in the classroom, and they will help our pupils with their learning. 

PSHE: Personal, Social & Health Education

Each half term, your child learns about different topics within PSHE, we call each of these puzzle pieces. All of the puzzle pieces throughout the year will link together. The TEAMS assignment set will have some key questions that link to your child's learning and these will promote high quality conversations at home. We hope you enjoy discussing these questions and celebrating their learning at home.

Maths Extended Learning:

The Maths Home Learning is to complete a page of MEP each week. You can do this by completing this MEP page verbally or with a pen and paper for notes at home. Years 3 & 4 have access to interactive pages which can be checked online. We hope to have these for other year groups too in the future.

Ask your child if they know which page they are completing in class next? Choose a page right for them and don't forget to check the answers. There are links in the assignment to take you to the MEP pages available as well as to support materials for different calculation methods found on our website.



Teachers at Mayflower Community Academy have created fantastic flash cards to support your child's learning of Grammar. These resources are linked to the national curriculum and specific to each year group. These cards include what your child should know at the end of Year 1, Year 2, Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 and are used regularly in all classrooms. The assignment set on TEAMS will include a link that takes you to the school website. Here you will find the cards to go through together. Follow these steps to successfully use the cards with your child.

  1. Study the cards in any order - scroll up and down to find the first card you want to recall.
  2. Do not avoid cards - it is important to practice all cards even if they find it difficult.
  3. Say it aloud - explain your understanding as much as possible.
  4. Compare - identify any information you have missed and any misconceptions you may have.
  5. Repeat the card - after you have compared the cards, make sure you say it again and correct any misconceptions.

History and Geography:

There are three key learning tools that we use regularly in the classroom to support learning in History and Geography. The TEAMS assignment will have all of these resources linked to your child's current topic for you to access. We recommend using these learning tools as a starter for conversations at home. Your child can recall the key information that they already know and develop their understanding by going into more detail on certain parts. The amount they can recall will develop as the year progresses and they cover more in the classroom.

The three learning tools are:

  1. Tiered Vocabulary - supporting the understanding of new vocabulary
  2. Knowledge Organiser - a resource full of subject knowledge that your child is learning about in the classroom.
  3. Graphic Schemas - a resources that connects ideas together. It provides children with a tool so that they can confidently communicate what they have learnt and identify links between their learning.