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Tiered Vocabulary

At Mayflower, Tiered Vocabulary is used as one of our 3 essential 'memory tools'. We use the tiers to select and organise the words we are expecting pupils to know and use in their learning. In order to improve reading comprehension and secure understanding of key concepts, we guide learners through thorough, continuous vocabulary instruction, so that these words become firmly established elements of their lexicons.

The aim of using Tiered Vocabulary is to increase the amount of 'Tier 2' and 'Tier 3' words that pupils hear and use themselves.  

Tier 3 words are subject specific and will be rare words only heard within particular contexts or subject areas.

Tier 2 words are focused and more common words that are found across subjects.

Tier 1 words are everyday words and will be basic words which will be used from an early age.