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What will transition look like?
Before your child starts with us in September, we hold a Stay and Play session where you are able to explore the environment and meet your grown ups. We then have a staggered transition of 2 weeks at the beginning of September to enable our new cohort to settle into school life. We carry out home visits during these afternoons to meet you all individually and answer any questions that you may have. See diary dates here.


What will my child eat?
All of our children are provided with water throughout the day, along with milk and a healthy snack such as fruit and bagel. All families are entitled to free school meals until the end of Year 2. Please apply here. Our school meal provider is Cater Ed. You can view their current menu here


What will my child need to bring to school?
We ask that your child attends with an appropriate waterproof coat, a secure fitted pair of black shoes and a water bottle. In addition to this we ask for a named bag with a full change of clothes. Some of our parents choose to have a spare set of wet weather gear, including wellies, which your child can leave in Reception to engage in messy activities. 


How will I know about my child’s development?  
As your child plays, they are continually learning and developing. Staff closely observe and monitor each child’s progress across all areas of learning. This knowledge is shared with you during termly parents evening meetings and upon parental requests.  

Our Instagram (@madeinmayflowerEYFS) is used to capture, celebrate and share key highlights from our child-initiated play. 

Our Website is used to share key information about our curriculum learning, including key resources including graphic schemas.  

You will have access to Microsoft Teams where we will set weekly home learning challenges linking to learning from the week. This is also a platform where you will be able to share any home learning or highlights from home e.g. riding a bike. 


When can I find out more?
We will be having a parent induction to share information and answer any questions you may have.