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David Benassi | Musician



Intro: Welcome to Mayflower David and thank you for giving us your time. You have performed on some big stages, and we can not wait to learn more about what it takes to produce and perform music. How are you? Let's get started.


Q1: You have young children. What do you hope a school can offer children musically and how can we develop or service here at Mayflower?


Q2: Who were your heroes in music as you grew up?


Q3: What advice would you give a young musician who is just starting out?


Q4: What is your favourite genre of music and why?


Q5: What song do you play to cheer you up?


Q6: Is their an instrument that you would like to still learn?


Q7: What is the best venue you have ever played and why? Is there anywhere else you'd like to perform?



Outro: Sadly, this is the end of our podcast with you today. We hope that you have had fun with us. You have inspired us to keep on keeping going with our music in school. Thank you for inspiring us. We hope to see you again soon and make our school even better musically. Come back soon, and remember, Togteher we can...

I am a singer songwriter from Devon my style of music is a strange genre, fusing jazz and lounge music with swing, big band vocals to form my own sound.