July 2023
The Pupil Premises Council met with Site Manager Mr Brandenburg (Mr B). They asked him lots of questions about his day-today role at Mayflower. Mr B explained that he is responsible for the general maintenance of the building and grounds of the school - painting, making general repairs, organising contractors to come and work on jobs within the school - including electricians, plumbers and gardeners. Mr B explained that he also looks after a team of wonderful cleaning staff, who keep the school clean and tidy every day.
The children had a rare glimpse inside Mr Brandenburg's office. They were really interested to find out how he plans his day and all of the jobs that he has to do to keep the school running smoothly. Mr B showed the children where vital school supplies are stored - the children were impressed with how organised these containers were and were inspired to consider how they organise their own work spaces for a productive day at school. The children explored the tools that Mr Brandenburg needs for his work.
Next stop was a visit to the pirate ship, which is currently out of bounds to all children due to being deemed unsafe. Mr Brandenburg demonstrated how the children could check for rotten wood, identify rushy screws and fixings and highlighted the elements of the equipment that make it unsafe for use. The children worked in small groups to explore the play equipment, identifying a number of areas where the wood was rotten or breaking away from the main play structure, they discussed how the frayed climbing rope and rusty fixings made it dangerous for playing on.
The children shared ideas of how this site could be developed or improved - they agreed that if the pirate ship was removed there would be an increased green play area. There were some great suggestions for the astro turf area outside red block - recommendations from the premises council included: removal of bramble to make it look more appealing and safer to play, the building of a play and learning structure where children could play undercover outside.
The children were excited to share their ideas for future Premises Council activities: litter picks around school, sweeping, campaigns to inform their peers how they can help to keep the school clean, tidy and running smoothly.