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Start from the Beginning: Building a Culture of Singing

During our most recent year 6 leavers assembly rehearsal, I watched something pretty amazing unfold. Every student - whether they were naturally confident singers or a bit hesitant - was singing with real joy and assurance. That wasn’t always the case. I’ve had plenty of conversations with colleagues from other schools who tell me things like, "I can’t get my boys to sing," or "Year 6s just won’t sing - they refuse!" But we’ve managed to flip that script at our school. Now, we’ve got a culture of singing that turns even the most reluctant students into enthusiastic singers. How did we get here? It all started by making singing an essential part of everyday school life, right from the moment students walk through the doors. It’s something we’ve woven into the fabric of not just our school, but our wider community too.

From the get-go, live performances have played a huge role in creating this culture. We made sure singing wasn’t something tucked away in the classroom - it’s out there, front and centre, during assemblies, special events, and even impromptu morning performances. These moments give students the chance to see their friends enjoying singing, which helps take away any nerves or stigma. Suddenly, singing becomes fun and something they want to be part of.


We’ve also been deliberate about starting young. In our foundation and nursery classes, singing is part of the daily routine. Whether it’s simple songs or rhymes, we introduce singing as something fun and natural. Even something as basic as singing the register can help kids get comfortable with their voice while subtly working on their musical ear. By the time they’re older, singing already feels like second nature.


Our music curriculum plays a big part too. It’s designed to nurture both confidence and skill in singing. We do vocal exercises, work on breathing techniques, and help kids with pitch - all in a super supportive environment. We don’t expect perfection right away. Instead, we build a solid foundation that allows every child to grow more confident with time. It’s a lot like other Kodály-inspired programs, where singing is the entry point for broader music learning.


And when it comes to singing, practice really does make perfect. We make sure our students get plenty of chances to perform, whether it’s a class presentation, a school-wide performance, or a local community event. The more they perform, the easier it becomes, and any stage fright slowly fades. Each performance is another step toward becoming more self-assured.

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But it’s not just about the students. We make sure the teachers are leading by example, too. When students see their teachers singing alongside them - maybe even a little off-key at times - it shows them that singing is something to be enjoyed, not something to be afraid of. And when teachers participate enthusiastically in performances and singing assemblies, it sends a strong message that this is a community where everyone sings.


We also take our students to see professional performers, whether it’s a choir, a musical, or a concert. There’s something magical about seeing professionals on stage - it shows the students what’s possible with practice and dedication. Over the years, our students have been lucky enough to watch performances by the Welsh National Opera, rock bands, brass bands, and professional choirs. These experiences are often a turning point, sparking a real passion for singing.


Positive reinforcement is another key piece of the puzzle. We make sure to celebrate every student’s efforts, whether it’s a quiet “well done” after a rehearsal or a whole-school celebration of a recent performance. This recognition builds their confidence and motivates them to keep improving. And we don’t just celebrate the big successes; we celebrate the smaller steps, too - because it’s all part of their journey.


When it comes to feedback, we’re always kind and constructive. If something needs improvement, we guide the students gently, making sure to focus on what they’re doing well first. We want them to understand that not hitting a certain note or achieving something right away is just a part of the process. It’s another step on the path to success, not a reason to feel discouraged.


We also lean on students who are naturally more confident singers, using them as role models for their peers. Their enthusiasm and confidence help to inspire others, showing that singing is something to embrace and enjoy. But it’s not just about natural talent. At our school, we’ve created a clear progression path for students who are committed to developing their singing skills. Our school choir is fully inclusive - any Key Stage 2 student can join, no matter their ability. By participating in the choir and showing steady improvement, students can earn the chance to audition for the MCA EarlyBirds, an auditioned children’s vocal group.


The EarlyBirds group is a wonderful opportunity for those who are passionate about singing and ready to take their skills to the next level. Students know that by working hard and progressing in the choir, they could be invited to audition for this more advanced group. It’s a natural next step for those who want to push themselves further, and it gives all students something to aspire to. This progression path not only nurtures talent but also motivates every child in the choir, knowing that dedication can lead to exciting new opportunities.


One of the most important aspects of our singing culture is our weekly singing assemblies. It’s a time when the entire school comes together to sing, creating a non-judgmental space for everyone to practice and enjoy singing as a community. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for our choirs to share what they’ve been working on and get feedback from their peers.


Our choir is open to all Key Stage 2 students, regardless of their experience or ability. This inclusivity has been a game-changer. It ensures that every child, no matter where they’re starting from, has the chance to be part of something bigger. Our choir has grown into one of the largest in the Southwest, and that’s something we’re incredibly proud of. It’s even been highlighted in our latest Ofsted report as a standout example of how inclusivity fosters excitement and a genuine love of singing.


And it’s not just about the school - our choir regularly performs at community events, working with local choirs and musical groups. These performances give students the chance to see the broader impact of their singing, while building connections within the community. Plus, our choir director also runs adult choirs, giving our students the chance to perform as special guests and see what they can aspire to.


We make sure to reward participation and progress in meaningful ways, whether it’s a certificate, a shout-out in assembly, or the chance to perform at larger venues. These rewards show students that their hard work is valued and encourage them to keep growing as singers.


By making singing a part of everyday school life, we’ve created a space where every student feels confident and capable as a singer. It’s an approach that goes beyond music lessons, embedding singing into the culture of the school and setting our students up with a love of music that will stay with them for years to come.